Using Pattern Blocks to Write Whole Numbers as Fractions

Are your 3rd graders expected to know how to write whole numbers as fractions? It’s one of our standards in Georgia, and it’s definitely one of the more difficult fraction standards for my students to master! We all know that students learn best when they’re able to do hands-on activities, like using manipulatives. But this skill can require A LOT of manipulatives!

I’ve taught this skill a few different ways, but my very favorite way is to use pattern blocks! I have my students use the hexagons as the whole, then we cover the hexagons using the other shapes as different fractional units (trapezoids = halves, rhombi = thirds, triangles = sixths). As we add the pattern blocks, we count the unit fractions. I’ve found that having my kids count each unit fraction is very beneficial and helps them to not get confused about the denominator. 

Like I mentioned earlier, I’ve tried a few different strategies to teach this skill, but this is BY FAR, my favorite and the most effective for my kiddos! If you’re looking for a little pencil & paper practice too, I’ve got a freebie for you in my shared folder on google drive!


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